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quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011


Today's class we was working on the Google insights. This was one of my favorites and, to be honest, the most helpful class for me. Not that the other classes were not important, only because I am working on a business plan and this class help me a lot to find a new way to getter marketing information that I need. I am working on the chocolate industry and I was able to find some analyses that allow me to have a better and more clear picture of my target costumers and the location I am planning to open my business.


Today we had the opportunity to talk a little more about how information is shared. We talked about the conflicts that can happen when data is not archived in the same place. That make me think about how many times that did not happen is or daily life. We talked about the example of a company that tries to get the same room for different meetings. That can cried a lot of challenge and conflicts in a company because of lack of information sharing.

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

Day 31

Today we was able to look to Google Refine. A very powerful tool to refine data. I personal found many times challenge in understand data because different departments uses different terminology for the same word. For example, during my internship I did a project that was to create a global archiving system for the Investing Banking Division. It was very difficult for me to understand what information was being duplicated exactly because of that problem. Google Refine really will help a lot people and business to minimize a lot of this problem.

Day 28

Today we had the opportunity to talk about the social networking integration. Today was the only time we had the opportunity to log in in our Facebook accounts in class :)It really was create to be able to visualize many of the function that Facebook offers and the opportunity for marketing. I never knew that Facebook had such a powerful marketing segmentation system. It is amazing how specific I can market my costumers target through Facebook. Now I can understand how Facebook is making so much money and becoming such a powerful network side.

sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011

Day 21

Today we were able to talk about what we learned from the game we play in the past 2 days. It was interested how people learned different things. The first thing that came to my mind, was that the games really did help me to understand the technical terms of the material we study in this chapter. I thought that because during the game I had to do research, it made me understand the resources I need to develop a services and what a specific service is. However, I could see today that I was not the only person who felt the same way.

Day 25

Today in our class we learn how to create a simple webpage. What I love about was the fact that we can get really interesting application from the net, we do not really have to create so much. I loved the fact that we were able to get pictures, videos, and different founds to make our pages much more attractive. In the beginning I had a hard time knowing exactly were to put the codes and how to use it. But then, when you understand the logical behind it you fount it is pretty easy. Must of the time you only copy the html code and past :)

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011

Paypal Assigment

Today in our class we had the opportunity to learn how to create a buy now bottom. The great thing about today's class is that it helps many students to start their small entrepreneur ideas or projects with practically no cost. For student business like me, knowing it is always a great opportunity to think in ways to develop business. It also supports what we learned before, with information systems we have a new world of ideas and opportunities for business.


sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

Day 19

Today we were able to play the business game again. This time the greatest thing was the fact we were more familiar than the first time. Not only I felt I knew more about the game, but also about the terms. For example, I chose the same business industry than my first time. The second time, when i was planing to buy a new system, I already knew what were the requires, what I would do have to buy before. I start be able to see how this technology was interconnected

Day 17

Today was very interested class. we were able to research some of the terms we read in the book on a game. It make much easier for me to understand those terms. For a student like me, witch is not a computer major, but a business major, it was very helpful to associate computer with a business application. Running a business game involving this technology is very helpful

Day 14

To be honest today's class was one that I do not like so much. Why? because Access is a little hard for me. I like visio, but access is a little confuse to me. I just have a hard time remember how to import and research some information. Because is not a software that I use regularly, it becomes a little difficult for me to remember. Even though it was hard for me, the idea and the concept of access is great and extremely useful. that is why I wanna learn more how to use it

Day 12

Today we were able to talk about database. For my happiness I am taking IS350 that is all about database. So, do be honest the material of this class was not very hard for me as it would if I was not taking IS350. While we was talking about dadabase I was thinking about a business that I am creating. The ration I chose IS350, that is not a required class for me, is because I wanna learn more about database for my business idea. So during our class today, I was trying to find some new ideas for my business idea. I loved to talk about how database has been used to help inovation ideias.

quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011

Day 10

It was gool that we had the opportunity to work on the projects we started last class. It is create to see that all the parts of a pc works together. It was interested as wel to have reall pc"s that we cold touch and see while we talked

Day 7

Today we had a opportuniy to work on a "research"project. It alowed me to study by myself about video cards. It not allowed me to learn but special to look for me. I admited that in the biggining was a little confuse, but as soon as I found were to look information becomes very clear

Day 5

Today was extremelly interested the example in class. I never knew before that run profits the possibiility of a momentary action (it profites a work area like in the example in class). It was interested as well to see how all the parts of a pc works together.

quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011

Day 30

In my opinion, one of the biggest chalenge for entrepreneurs is not to have an idea, but to make better or unique. In other words, to create a competitive advantages over what is already offer in the market. Our class today helped me to really understand that we have a lot we can do to make our company better and unique. During the class come to my mind the fact that many times is not the idea by itself that make millions, but how we use and implement it.

Day 28

Today we had the opportunity to make a business simulation. By thinking about creating a company, in my groups case, create a Ice cream store in Hawaii, we were able to think about a normal business primary activities in the Value Chain. That help me to think how to work on those activities to benefit the creation of a company. I wanna be an entrepreneur and I have starting using those 5 main activities in building the value chain of my business.

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

Day 26

The five forces analyses are extremely important to everyone thinking in entrepreneur our management. This helps to know who as the power on a supply chain. Normally who has the power controls the chain. Having that in mind, it will be easy to know how a specific company is going to compete. The example of the hot dog in class help us to understand that. If we have several supply it will be easy to negotiate prices than only having one supply.

Day 23

I never used Google docs before this class. I did heart about it before but never used. The class today helped me to understand exactly how I can used it. Now I am using it for every single class that I have this semester. It was amazing how I can create a spreadsheet and every member can use it at the same time. How we can work on presentations and word documents and see the changes everyone is doing. The exercises we did in class was extremely helpful for me to practice and the exposed to this new software.

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011

Reflection 3

One of the biggest challenge as a student is to work on teams. The class was about that, how to work on teams. I was able to learn to how communicate to prevent difficult and problems working on teams. Knowing how to communicate effectively and understanding the skills needed will help getting better results in the final work.

terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011

Reflection 2

It was very interested to understand why technology has become so much cheap over time. Since productivity has increase (technology has become faster) the cost has decrease. Since technology is getting faster, it is doing the same job is lower time. Less time working = less costly. I also learned that this principal is called Moore's Law and is it that provides so many opportunities in new technologies and data storage.

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

Reflection 1

Since I love entrepreneurship, reading Q5 was very interested to me. Especially learning that the cost of data storage and data communication are free was really interested. However, since I took my statistic class long ago, I am a little struggle understanding what is going on in the class assignment.

terça-feira, 8 de março de 2011

Class Web Template

Personal Web Template (main Menu)

Personal Web Template (Link - resume)

Personal Web Template (Link-about me)

Personal Web Template (Link-Contac)

Personal Web Template (Link - Profile)

Personal Web Template (Link - Experience)

Personal Web Template (Link - Education)

Personal Web Template (Link - Activities)

terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011

Aproveida a Vida

Com o percurrer da minha vida aprendi que existe uma enorme diferenca entre apenas viver a vida e desfrutar da vida. Quandos nos vivemos a vida, nos simplesmente nos limitamos a satisfazer as necessidades basicas da vida, tais como respirar ou nos alimentarmos. A vida parece nao nos oferecer nada, e em troca nos apenas nos esforcamos em nos manter vivos. No meio a essa situacao, nos olhamos para os nossos amigos, vizinhos, e ate mesmo para os estranhos que passam por nos no nosso dia a dia e pensamos que eles sim sao felices, mas sem conseguirmos compreenter o que felicidade realmente significa. Porem, quando nos aprendemos o verdadeiro significado da frase “carpen dien”nos comprendemos que a vida e muito mais do que simplesmente viver para satisfazer as nossas necessidades basicas. Viver e desfrutar cada minuto como se esse vosse o ultimo. Isso talvez parece coisa de filme, que na verdade nao e possivel ser realizado no nosso tempo tao limitado. Porem a verdade, e que a vida deixa de brilhar quando nos alimentamos esse pensamento. Com o tempo aprendi que iria preverir viver apenas um dia e "sugar de toda a medula da vida" do que viver toda uma vida apenas sento capaz de me manter vivo. A vida e uma dativa divina, um momento unico que nao tem replay. Uma vez vivida, nao podemos voltar a tras para corrigir seu curso. Por isso, Carpen Dien. Que aproveitamos cada dia procuranto viver nossas vidas deliberatamente. Momentos dificeis sempre iram surgir, porem aqueles que sabem sugar de toda a  medula da vida saberao que cada expriencia, por mais dificil que seja pode ser tranformata em um momento unicoe  especial.